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Showing posts from February, 2020


Payonner is an online platform for making payments, sending and receiving funds. It is an American base company to many it is a second option to PayPal or their first choice for receiving payment from clients. since PayPal they have their  country in support of receiving payment to them. Payoneer has many benefits than one could think or imagines. There are many others of receiving funds from aboard but payonner comes with a gives it's a customer an advantage of having an account number in America bank even when one tend not to be customer of that bank or an american citizen. In some other countries an account can be created for it's customer even in Barclay's bank even while that customer is not a local of that country when Barclay bank is located the benefit is far more of good to an individual and a client to make payment to anyone in the global market.  Sign up here... 👉   SIGN UP HERE. To receive payment from your client above to someone


STARTING A BLOG.  Just like setting up a business  so also it is for setting up a blog  the same rule applies  to starting up a blog  while you have a business  in a location your blog is your business with location via the internet.  Starting a blog is important,  as these days the world is global  village when the information you want is in the internet and you can pass out an information via the internet. Many people blog for various reasons  but if you must blog then do it with all joy from your heart. register a domain is a domain name When blogging all your works been it written document,aritcle PDF, video are published on line and  seen global via the internet.  FOLLOWERS.  while you are blogger you get followed by some visitors who found your blog of great interest to them and your blog seems to be fun more when you engaged them in conversation via the blog comment section. WHERE TO BLOG FROM.  Just like a radio like station operating from a location and you rec

Computer shortcut.

COMPUTER  SHORTCUT KEYS ON KEYBOARD. MICROSOFT MS ACCESS SHORTCUT Shortcut is a either a single or  a combination  Of  two or more key press at same time to achieve a certain function in the computer  without having to click to on  many process on the keyboard if you want to save a  document you have to click on one of  the options in the program  and save but with shortcut to achieve that in a click or press    of few keys in combination  below are some shortcut keys. []Control (ctrl) +C : To copy highlighted text. Control (ctrl)+ V : Paste the copied text. Control (ctrl)+ X: To cut the highlighten text. Control (ctrl)+N: To Control (ctrl) +O: To open existing database. Control (ctrl) +S: Save the Data base. Control (ctrl)+P:  Print  the current object or document. Control (ctrl)+ F:open find tab in dialog  Control(ctrl)+F6: Cycle between Windows. Control (ctrl)+ H: Open replace tab in dialog box. Control(ctrl) +F2: Invoke builder. Shift+F2: Open